Creating contour lines from .las LiDAR data
LiDAR pointcloud datasets are collections of three-dimensional x,y,z data, often distributed in LAS format with a .las filename extension. LAS files can be downloaded from sites such as and the US Interagency Elevation Inventory.
- After downloading the .las data, create an LAS dataset in ArcCatalog.
- Convert that dataset into raster format using the LAS Dataset to Raster tool (Conversion Tools > To Raster > LAS Dataset to Raster). You may need to define the projection.
- Then use the Contour tool (Spatial Analyst Tools > Surface > Contour) to generate your contours. You may need to first turn on the Spatial Analyst Extension from the Customize menu.
- If you need convert the contours into CAD format (optional), here’s how you can export elevation contours from ArcGIS to DWG as 3D lines:
- In order to keep the z values, there must be an attribute field called "elevation".
- The ArcGIS tool for generating the contours (ArcToolbox> Analyst Tools>Surface>Contour) creates a field called "CONTOUR", so all you have to do is create a new field called "elevation" and copy the values from "CONTOUR". The steps are spelled out in the pink box on this page.
- After that, in ArcMap simply right-click the contour layer, selecting Data>Export to CAD… and select the latest DWG format ("DWG_R2010")