
GIS Day 2012

GIS Day 2012 event graphic

Friday, November 9, 2012
Mann Library 102

GIS Day is held each November during Geography Awareness Week, with events in more than 80 countries. Local events in Ithaca are organized by members of SynerGIS, a diverse group of GIS professionals, managers, and students from Cornell, Tompkins County, and the surrounding area. (Yes, our local event is being held a bit earlier than the official date, due to scheduling constraints.)

Schedule of events

When What Where
All Day Posters Mann Library lobby
12:00pm to 2:00pm Geocaching start in Mann Library Lobby
2:30pm to 3:30pm Lightning Talks Mann Library 102
3:45pm to 5:00pm Iron Mapper competition Mann Library Stone Classroom


Geocaching (12:00pm to 2:00pm)

Use a GPS-enabled device to try to find hidden geocaches around campus. Borrow a GPS unit from the table in the Mann Library lobby, or bring your own!

(No registration is required for geocaching – just show up!)

Lightning Talks (2:30pm to 3:30pm)

Short presentations (about 5 minutes) given by folks from across several Cornell departments and local governments, each sharing a bit of what they are doing with Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Iron Mapper

We are very excited to host (with the help of Diana Sinton) a new event this year: Iron Mapper! Inspired by “Iron Chefs”, contestants will have 60 minutes to make a map using a “secret” data layer that will be revealed at the start of the event. This will be an event to remember for all time… an epic map battle to determine who rules the (cartographic) world. The number of contestants will be limited, so register now!


This event was re-scheduled for December 5, 2012. Congratulations to our winners: